i don't know how to get out of my box.
careful conditioning keeps me tucked quietly inside
even as i ache for what is beyond these walls.
my box is safe.
i know how to live in it and keep it clean
how close i can go without bumping into the sides
how much air i am allowed to breathe to remain alive
but my head is crashing into the top
and sometimes i catch a glimpse of a bewitching bright star
or goldfinches fly over with joyful lilting songs
and i want out -
want to bask in the wide open light of day
drink in the sweet damp mystery of night.
i have to get out -
have to kick and elbow and expand larger than the four walls
so they break away like the shell of a hatchling
or a snakeskin shed and thrown away.
i need liberation
room to grow mammoth wings
and fly through the cloudless blue summer sky
long and lean and infinite on the orange horizon
loose and weightless - floating on the breath of fate.
i am afraid to create a brave new self
and surrender the place i hide
from the unblinking gaze of reality.
they said beware the danger lurking 'out there'
like a vampire waiting to suck the life blood from my veins,
but the ugliest evil is where life blood is gone
where dry sand and cold dirt pump the heart
just enough to stay alive
but paralyzed with numbness.
the danger 'out there' calls my name
beguiles with the juice and muck and mire
of love and passion
bits of earth under my fingernails
bee stings from dipping my nose deep into honeysuckle blossoms.
i don't want to be the cat locked in the cage
for safety
as it cries with longing at the window
to step into the wet dew of daybreak
chase a mouse through lovely tall grass
sit among red and golden leaves
fluttering to the ground as a new season brings a chill to the air.
i don't want a safe empty life inside a tidy box
never tasting
fear joy longing heartache
or the release of stepping from a cliff
falling through air
plunging deep and whole into cool turquoise water -
rising to the surface for a gasp of pure sweet air
and clear eyes that see only open space
without walls.
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